7 Reasons Why A Soother Is Great
There is a lot of debate over soothers and whether or not you should use them for your babies. Speaking from experience, I fully support the use of a soother in infants.
That is why i have made a list of 7 reasons why you should use a soother (if it is the right decision for your family).
They are:
1: Comfort - This is an obvious reason. Soothers will provide your baby with comfort so they can calm their cries and settle for sleeping.
2: Satisfies The Sucking Reflex - Babies are born with a natural reflex to want to suck. Using a soother satisfies that need and prevents your baby from getting distressed when they already have a full tummy.
3: Pain Relief - Soothers provide an easy and drug-free comfort technique. It can aid all kinds of pain and discomfort such as one-off immunisations or ongoing medical conditions.
4: Better Sleep - Soothers can help to comfort a fussy baby, allowing them (and you) to get some much needed rest. They also encourage self settling when your baby is older and can find their own soother - with the help of a Gobstopperz of course www.gobstopperz.co.nz .
5: Reduced Risk Of SIDS - While the soother itself is not proven to prevent SIDS, several studies have linked the use of a soother at bedtime and nap time with a reduced risk of SIDS.
6: Reduced Anxiety - A soother can help calm and relax your baby when they are stressed and anxious
7: Easier Than A Thumb - When it comes time to say goodbye to the sucking habit, it is far easier to wean your little one off a soother than it is to stop them sucking their thumb.
While we support the use of soothers here at Gobstopperz, we understand they are not for everyone. They provide some babies with immense comfort, whereas other babies do not like them. Do what works for your family!
Are you sick of losing soothers or having them fall on the ground all the time? Then a Gobstopperz is the solution you have been looking for. Check them out in our store now www.gobstopperz.co.nz