Baby Development — parenting
Why You Need A Gobstopperz In Your Life
Baby Development baby gifts cuddly dummy gifts gobstopperz Life with a baby parenting product info sleep time soother
Why You Need A Gobstopperz In Your LifeParenting is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. But it is no secret that it canbe a hard job. So, you need a multi purpose tool up your sleeve to make things easier.Gobstopperz is that tool!More than just a cute and cuddly accessory, Gobstopperz can save your sanity.Here are some of the reasons you need a Gobstopperz in your life…1: You Get Your Sleep BackThe soft minky fabric is a soothing, cuddly comforter for your little one, plus the clip functionmakes it easy for them to find their dummy...