Dealing With Daylight Savings And Baby Sleep Patterns
Sometimes it can feel like it is a constant battle to get your little one to sleep.
Establishing and maintaining a sleep schedule for a baby or young child is a challenge in
itself. Then, daylight savings rolls around…
All that careful planning can fly out the window in an instant when the light outside the
window changes from what your baby is used to.
But don’t panic! Adjusting sleep for daylight savings takes a bit of extra time and patience.
But, if you plan for it early and make gradual adjustments, it is relatively easy to settle into
the new schedule.
This week we share some of our best tips for supporting a child through changes in their
sleep patterns at daylight savings time.
Dealing With Daylight Savings And Baby Sleep Patterns
When Daylight Savings Starts
At the end of September as the summer months approach, our clocks go forward an hour
and daylight savings begins. The sleep adjustment in this direction can be a little trickier, as
you are going to be trying to get your child to sleep earlier than they usually would. And they
don’t always take too kindly to that!
You can combat the resistance by easing into the change gradually.
In the week or fortnight leading up to the beginning of daylight savings, put your child to bed
slightly earlier (by 5-15 minutes) each night. This minor change shouldn’t be noticeable to
them and won’t impact their sleep or their mood too much.
Let’s use the example of a 7pm bedtime. About a week before daylight savings begins, you
continue to move bedtime forward by 5-10 minutes each night. After a week, bedtime has
moved from 7pm to 6pm. Then daylight savings starts and the clock goes forward, and they
are back to going to sleep at 7pm as per usual.
If you find they are a little resistant, have lots of activities during the day to keep them busy
and tire them out!
When Daylight Savings Ends
When summer is over and the colder weather starts to roll around, it’s time to go back in
the other direction! In early April the clocks go back as daylight savings comes to an end. Not
only do we get an extra hour of blissful sleep, it is easier to adjust a child’s sleep schedule in
this direction. This is because they get to go to a bed a little later each night, as opposed to
having to get them to sleep earlier.
You essentially do exactly what you did when daylight savings began, except in the opposite
direction. Continuing with the example of the 7pm bedtime, about a week before daylight
savings ends, you will make bedtime later by 5-10 minutes each night. After a week, bedtime
has moved from 7pm to 8pm. Then the clock goes back an hour, and they are back to going
to sleep at 7pm as per usual.
Other Daylight Savings Transition Tips
The daylight savings sleep transition can be a bit easier with these tips...
● Make the change to their sleep schedule over a minimum of 4 nights, with a
maximum 15-minute adjustment each night. If the adjustment happens any faster
than this, the child is less likely to adapt and you are more likely to meet some
● Keep their room as dark as possible, especially during the summer/spring daylight
savings change. Opt for black out blinds to block out as much light as possible. The
same effect can be achieved by placing tinfoil on the windows if you are away from
home or need a quick fix!
● Restrict their exposure to screens or bright indoor lights in the hour before they go
to bed. Instead, opt for relaxing activities like reading, cuddling and quiet play.
● Try a natural sedative like Gobstopperz essential oil Sleep Support Spray. These
sprays are designed to help babies to sleep and can be used to help adjust sleeping
patterns at daylight savings time.
Transitioning sleep patterns for daylight savings can be a bit of a challenge for your little
ones. But it is not impossible. Forward planning and gradual changes are the way to go! Plus,
make sure they have their cuddly with them for sleep time! Of course, a Gobstopperz is
perfect for this! Shop the range now.