Pelvic Floor Muscles — restore

How Having A Baby Can Mess With Your Core

core Pelvic Floor restore sneeze wees

So, what is it about pregnancy that changes your core? And will you ever be able to get it back to the way it was before? Let’s answer both those questions now…

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Getting Back Into Safe Exercise After Having A Baby

after baby core exercise parenting Pelvic Floor restore safe sneeze wees

When getting back into exercise after having a baby, it is important to do it in the right way. Otherwise, you might find yourself injured. Here’s how to do it.

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Why Are There Wees When I Sneeze After Having A Baby?

core having a baby Pelvic Floor restore sneeze wees

Why Are There Wees When I Sneeze After Having A Baby?

After having a baby, you shouldn't have to worry about wees when you sneeze. So, why does it happen and why have we just accepted it as normal as Mums?


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What Are Pelvic Floor Muscles And Why Do We Need Them

core Pelvic Floor restore sneeze wees what-why-pelvic-floor-muscles

What Are Pelvic Floor Muscles And Why Do We Need Them

So, what are pelvic floor muscles, what do they do and why do we need them to be in good working order? Let's answer those very questions now.

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